Kevin Wilson is the Executive Director of the Small Business Empowerment Center. The Small Business Empowerment Center is a Missouri 501c3 Nonprofit Organization sponsored by the Greater St. Louis Empowerment Zone to serve as is a one-stop shop to help urban entrepreneurs start and grow their own business enterprises.
For 20 years, Kevin has also been an SBA technical assistance provider; specializing in issues dealing with the urban core. There he provides technical assistance to small businesses owners and helps prospective borrowers in developing viable loan packages, applying for Empowerment Zone tax credits, and business growth strategies. Before coming to the SBEC he worked for the St. Louis Development Corporation underwriting SBA 504 loans, microloans, and prescreening bonds deals. Kevin received his undergraduate and Masters’s Degree from the University of Missouri. Kevin is a certified Economic Development Finance Professional from the National Development Council, certified SBA 504 Loan Packager from the NADCO. Currently, Kevin Wilson is an active member of the US Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, NFTE (Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship), and America’s Small Business Development Centers.