Have you heard our big news?! Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis broke ground on our 400th Home on Wednesday, July 11! This occasion marks a major milestone for our organization as we also celebrate our 32nd year as an affordable housing program.
Habitat’s 400th home is located at 1200 block of South 13th Street and last week’s ground breaking marked the start of a 10-house build in the LaSaison (Peabody Darst Webbe) neighborhood. Five homes (Phase I) will be completed by the end of 2019. These new homes will have three-to-four bedrooms, two baths and will be two-story buildings.
Volunteers and representatives from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis, Spire, the St. Louis Housing Authority and elected local officials participated in Wednesday’s groundbreaking ceremony. Spire is Habitat Saint Louis’ Keystone Partner for our 400th Home. Over 60 Spire employees will work on building this home over a six-day Blitz Build in August.
Also this year, Habitat Saint Louis will be returning to the Tiffany Neighborhood to build three more homes. Habitat Saint Louis has already built five, two-story homes in the historic Tiffany Neighborhood in 2015. An additional two homes will be constructed in the Carondelet Neighborhood this fall as part of pf the KMOV Home 4 the Holidays campaign. By the end of this year, Habitat Saint Louis will have built 10 new homes in St. Louis in partnership with our homebuyers, donors and of course, our dedicated volunteers.
We look forward to working to eliminate substandard housing in our shared community. To follow along with our progress, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!